Saturday, September 13, 2008

One's relative search for the absolute continues---------every notion, every word has a relative meaning to every individual,everyone perceives life in a different light as per the colour of their respective glasses.This is an interactive blog,which still continues to search the absolute behind the relative, meaninglessness behind every meaning and emptiness behind everything substantialOne may comment after every post what one interprets of it or one may add something on parellel lines or proabably something totaly diversed and disconnected

when I was young there was a song, regularly sung
and now I do not remember that song ,
but I do remember,
that it was a song
and I was young.


Unknown said...

ys ......and it continues .........
there is no end as there was never ever beginning

Anonymous said...

Some things we never think of...
but they are important...
Some things we dont wan think...
but they are important...
Some things for which we dont hav time to think...
but they are important...

Dr Vikas Khanna said...

its not thinking, which is important

infact,nothing is important!`

kadigiart said...

every day brings a new song, why get stuck in the past...!!!

MAHI said...

i agree that most of the times, nothing seems important...but being into occult as u are...i thought that u might as well understand the important things from the monotonous ones

Unknown said...

well.......i dont think i am fully satisfied wid ur this thing....if we find happiness wid the memories of our childhood or any age ,no force of this world has that power to make us forget anything..."KAROGE YAD TO HER BAT YAD AAYEGI"... infact i think we all have few things only {we can count on our fingers }which give us happiness can we forget them sir.